Monday, June 29, 2009


. How was your first week of stay at MCL?My first week in MCL is stressful. Yet I was able to meet new friends and professors as well. :') I`am enjoying my college life at MCL na. :D
2. Describe your professors. What are traits do you find positive in each one?They`re all enthusiastic and friendly. They`re all easy to deal with.
3. Describe your blockmates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?B02 is the best. ;') I think our major weakness is DRAW021W. =)) Heheh. And Math011? :) My blockmates are all fun to be with. Especially the boys. They`re all makulit. Easy to talk to and easy to approach. I thought I wouldn`t be able to make new friends on my block. Look on the bright side, I was able to interact with them easily. :) Too bad, we only have 2 months left. :'( I`ll surely miss B02. :P
4. How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?HUM011 is my favorite subject. :') Ma`am DC has a great great sense of humor. She makes lessons easy as possible. :) DRAW021W is the hardest course ever. :( I don`t know. Lagi na lang kaming luge. =P HAHA. But deep within me, I know I can pass that course. :P Survivor of the fittest. =))
5. Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment.
College life itself. College life is not that easy. This is where all the thrill`s going to happen. But then again, you have to deal with this reality. You`re no longer a tiny winnie student in high school. You have to work harder and strive harder if you want to be successful

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